Seizing the Moment

Seizing the Moment

Read time: 2 minutes In the dance of life, opportunities are the sacred moments that beckon us to step forward, to seize them with courage and conviction. As Sun Tzu, the wise warrior, once proclaimed, “The opportunity is often fleeting; to catch it requires...
The Value of Doing Something Scary

The Value of Doing Something Scary

Read time: 5 minutes Do something that scares you every day This is one of the most impactful yet underutilized pieces of self-help advice out there. So let’s unpack what this really means and why this is useful. Doing something scary doesn’t have to mean jumping out...
Celebrating Wins

Celebrating Wins

Read time: 5 minutes You’re not “trying.” You’re either doing or you’re not.  Whenever you say you’re trying to do something, the underlying feeling is one of struggle and you’re telling your brain that you’re not good enough.  Saying “I am trying” not only sabotages...
Mindful Intention

Mindful Intention

Read time: 5 minutes Mindful intention:Intentions are thoughts directed toward a desired outcome. It’s the realization that our consciousness has the ability to create our reality. Choosing an intention each morning or at the start of a meeting can help you stay...
Self-Compassion Practice

Self-Compassion Practice

Read time: 5 minutes Self-Compassion in Practice Step 1. Begin by bringing to mind a current challenge you are facing. It could be a struggle with your child, a missed work deadline causing anxiety about your boss or colleagues’ reaction, or difficulty with...

Trying vs Doing

Read time: 5 minutes You’re not “trying.” You’re either doing or you’re not.  Whenever you say you’re trying to do something, the underlying feeling is one of struggle and you’re telling your brain that you’re not good enough.  Saying “I am trying” not only sabotages...