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Mindful intention:
Intentions are thoughts directed toward a desired outcome. It’s the realization that our consciousness has the ability to create our reality.

Choosing an intention each morning or at the start of a meeting can help you stay focused and centered. If you get off track, come back to your intention to help you be present in the moment.

Mindful walking or stretching
Intentionally focus and be aware of your breath with each step or stretch. Mindful exercise will increase blood flow, bring oxygen and nutrients to muscles, increase your ability to focus, and boost your energy.

You can practice mindful walking anywhere, even in a crowded city or between business meetings.

Mindful meetings:
Leading meetings in a mindful way can help you check your potential blind spots and maximize engagement: 

  • Encourage team members to reflect on where their attention is currently and prompt them to be present at the moment
  • Clearly state your intentions for the meeting beyond agenda items (i.e. chance for people to connect)
  • Meetings can have multiple parts – distinguish for participants which part they are in
  • As you wrap up, make the time to be intentionally clear about agreements and the next steps.

The Significance of Setting Intentions: When we approach our interactions with colleagues purposefully, we create a space for meaningful connections and enhanced collaboration. Setting intentions helps us align our mindset, emotions, and actions, paving the way for positive outcomes. By investing time and thought into our intentions, we can foster trust, empathy, and productivity.

Actionable Steps for Setting Intentions: 

1. Reflect: Before engaging with your colleagues, take a moment to reflect on your desired outcome. What do you hope to achieve from the interaction? Is it to build rapport, seek collaboration, or simply offer support? Reflecting on these aspects allows you to gain clarity and set a purposeful intention.

2. Empathy and Understanding: Put yourself in your colleagues’ shoes. Consider their perspective, needs, and challenges. By empathizing with their experiences, you can set intentions that promote understanding and create a supportive environment.

3. Positive Energy: Intentionally bring positive energy into your interactions. Aim to uplift others, foster enthusiasm, and cultivate an environment of appreciation. By doing so, you’ll not only create a harmonious workplace but also inspire your colleagues to reciprocate the positive energy.

Real-Life Examples: 

1. Setting an intention to foster collaboration: Imagine you have a team meeting scheduled to discuss a complex project. Before the meeting, set the intention to encourage collaboration and open dialogue. Remind yourself to actively listen, encourage diverse perspectives, and create an inclusive environment. By doing so, you lay the foundation for a productive and innovative team discussion.

2. Setting an intention for effective feedback: When providing feedback to a colleague, set an intention to be constructive, supportive, and respectful. Reflect on the specific areas where you can offer valuable insights and growth opportunities. Your intention to provide helpful feedback will promote a culture of continuous improvement and encourage your colleagues to embrace personal development.

3. Setting an intention for conflict resolution: In situations involving conflicts or disagreements, set an intention to find common ground and seek a mutually beneficial resolution. Approach the interaction with a calm and open mindset, intending to understand the different viewpoints and work towards a compromise. By setting this intention, you can transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and strengthened relationships.

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