
Blaming others or holding other people responsible for things done to you that they may have little or no control over. A person who other-blames may view certain negative situations as entirely the fault of others and overlook ways in which they are contributing to...


Blaming yourself or thinking you’re personally responsible for a situation that you have little or no control over. A person who self-blames may view any negative situation as a direct consequence of their perceived incompetence. Personalization may lead to...

Mind Reading

Assuming another person’s thoughts or beliefs. Interpreting another person’s thoughts or feelings without sufficient or adequate evidence. Example: She did not wave back when I waved to her from across the street, so she must dislike me. Tip: It’s...


Predicting a negative outcome before the event happens and without sufficient oradequate evidence. Examples: My boss will definitely not like my presentation. My boyfriend will definitely hate my new haircut. I failed my first exam so I will fail the class. Tip: Try...

Jumping to Conclusions

Reaching a hasty conclusion or judging something with little or no evidence. A person who jumps to conclusions may believe that they know what others are thinking and feeling. Example: She came home with a frown on her face, so she must be angry with me. Tip: Try...