Managing Judger and Perceiver Personality Types

Managing Judger and Perceiver Personality Types

Read time: 3 minutes Leadership is about understanding yourself first and then exploring the differences of others and how you can best work together to achieve a shared goal. Motivating Your Team: Managing Judgers and Perceivers Perceiving team members—those who tend...
Managing Judger and Perceiver Personality Types

Lessons on Leadership

Read time: 5 minutes Leadership is about understanding yourself first and then using that knowledge to shape anything else you create. Welcome, friends, to a captivating journey of leadership demonstrated by Michael Abrashoff and his quest to turn the worst ship in...

Teach, don’t tell

Why is this important? When the aim is to develop a team member’s perspective, telling them what to do rarely helps them learn. Instead, engaging them in a process of thoughtful questioning helps them to find answers on their own and develops their critical...

Focused Observation

Why is this important? Meaningful feedback that helps others grow and develop starts with intentionally observing an action or behavior. How can you take action? Identify an opportunity to observe a skill or behavior of someone on your team. As you are observing:...