Conflict Resolutions

Collaboration vs conflict  There are two ways to approach resolving a problem between two people. The Conflict approach treats the other party as the enemy. Your emotional mind is in charge. The primary feeling is anger or fear. It’s like you’re battling...

Chronic Stress

Many people can find themselves experiencing stress most, if not all, of the time. When acute stress does not end, it turns into chronic stress. Your body was designed to only experience stress during short periods of time when it is facing a specific threat, like a...

Acute vs Chronic Stress

Acute Stress Acute stress is the fight or flight reaction that occurs in response to a specific, identifiable stressor. Acute stress goes away when the stressor goes away. For example, you may be stressed when riding a roller coaster, but once you get off the roller...

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

Stress – Good or Bad? While stress is often viewed as bad for you, stress is often useful in many situations. Everyone experiences stress. By reacting to important situations with stress, your body enables you to be alert and ready to respond. For example, the...

Stress & the Body

Stress & the Body The hormones from the sympathetic nervous system prepare your body for action. First, your heart starts beating faster, causing your blood pressure to rise. Then, you start breathing more rapidly to take in more oxygen. Sugar rushes from storage...