In-the-moment feedback

Giving and receiving in-the-moment feedback Why is this important? Constructive in-the-moment feedback recognizes both current strengths and areas for future improvement. Feedback is given and received within the context of our day-to-day work which accelerates our...

Checking potential blind spots

To overcome potential blind spots we need to build our cultural dexterity – the ability to understand, coach and communicate effectively with different people. Why is it important? Experts say we all have blind spots based on our education, experiences and...

Active Listening

Active listening is a decision to focus your full attention on the speaker to hear and understand what they are saying. Why is this important? We build stronger, more trusting relationships when we really listen to others and make them feel heard. How can you take...


Using Mindfulness to Overcome Potential Blind Spots Why is this important? The brain is hard-wired to make quick decisions that draw on assumptions and experiences that influences how we evaluate & interact with people. These potential blind spots can undermine...

Delegating for Development

Prepare to Delegate Why is this important? People feel most involved and engaged when they have challenging work and the right level of support to get the job done with the right quality. Creating stretch opportunities for less experienced team members will also help...