Read time: 5 min 37 sec

🧠 Your Nervous System as a Video Game 

As the day unfolds, stressful events pop up, meetings drag, and unpleasant surprises that drain your energy. 

These small moments chip away at your character’s ❤️s, and if left unchecked, you’re left with just one ❤️ … and it’s not even lunch time.

So what happens when you’re running on one ❤️? 

You react to situations with thoughts, words, or actions you might regret.

But… there’s a better way. 

Here’s what we got for ya:

  • 🧠 Understanding Your Nervous System 

  • 🏆 Winning the Game by Balancing the Zones đź”´ 🟢 🔵

  • Restoring your ❤️s



    🧠 Your Nervous System’s Capacity Meter 

    Your nervous system is always moving between different states—red (energized), green (balanced), and blue (recovery). Each state serves its own purpose, and none is inherently better or worse than the others.

    The key is to be mindful and adaptable, recognizing which state you’re in and intentionally nourishing the one that needs the most care at any given moment. This approach helps you stay balanced, responsive, and in control of your energy throughout the day.


    Red Zone

    🔴 Go Mode 🚀 

    • The red mode represents the energizing, fight-or-flight mode. 

    • This sympathetic activation can give you a quick burst of focus and power—perfect for getting stuff done. Use this mode for urgent tasks where you need a burst of energy and focus.

      • Pros: Quick energy boosts, enhanced focus.

      • Cons: Stay here too long, and you risk burnout, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed.

    • Red Zone Actions 💡

      • Use breathwork (inhale 4, hold 4, exhale 4) to maintain energy.

      • Time-block tasks needing intense focus for short sprints.

      • Use movement (like brisk walks) to regulate energy spikes




    Blue Zone

    🔵  Recovery Mode 🔋


    • Move into the blue zone, and you’re in recovery. This is where your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and recharges your energy. 

    • Think of this mode as your nervous system’s brakes—where rest and recovery happen. NSDR, gentle yoga, or even just a nature walk can keep you balanced and ready.

      • Pros: Recharges and resets energy.

      • Cons: Too much time here can lead to stagnation or disengagement.


    • Blue Zone Actions 💡

      • Integrate 10-15 minute NSDR sessions for a quick reset.

      • Use micro-rest moments like mindful breathing between tasks.

      • Take short nature breaks to soak up sunlight and recharge.




    Green Zone

    🟢  Flow Mode ♾️

    • The green zone is where the magic happens—where creativity flows, meaningful connections happen, and you feel a deep sense of safety and presence. 

    • The green zone is linked to a healthy vagus nerve and high Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the best state for sustained performance.

      • Pros: Balanced, creative, and connected.

      • Cons: Hard to stay here without mindful effort.


    • Green Zone Actions đź’ˇ

      • Practice gratitude journaling to shift mindset positively.

      • Engage in whichever creative outlets call to you like reading, writing, sketching, listening to music or brainstorming.

      • Connect with others and have meaningful conversations.



    🏆 Playing the Game of Life on Expert Mode


    Actionable Steps:

    • 🛑 Feeling Lethargic or Burnt? Try breathwork or cold exposure for a quick boost.

    • 🔵 Need to Downregulate? Use NSDR or light yoga—no intense poses needed.

    • 🟢 Low Creative Capacity? Blend rest and active focus to recharge without burnout


    đź’¬ Quotes for Inspiration


    “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

    — Viktor Frankl


    “Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.” 

    — Alan Watts



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    • Eh, it was okay 🤖🤖🤖
    • Not helpful 🤖

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