

Read time: 4 min 50 sec Key Findings ✅ Small rituals create big shifts. Tiny moments of awareness—like taking three deep breaths in the morning—can change how you move through the day. 🌍 Your environment shapes your experience. When you align with natural...
Using Your Strengths

Using Your Strengths

Read time: 4 min 50 sec Key Findings You’re not broken: The self-help industry thrives on selling you fixes for things that aren’t problems or tools that work for some but not for all. Environment is everything: Put one of the world’s best violinist with a...
Nervous System Capacity

Nervous System Capacity

Read time: 5 min 37 sec 🧠 Your Nervous System as a Video Game  As the day unfolds, stressful events pop up, meetings drag, and unpleasant surprises that drain your energy.  These small moments chip away at your character’s ❤️s, and if left unchecked, you’re left with...

Lifestyle Changes

So far, you’ve learned how to stay in sync with your circadian rhythm, harness thepower of light, and cultivate the ideal bedroom environment. This section will cover additional ways to optimize your lifestyle for better sleep and why they work. Exercise...

Adjusting Your Environment

Morning Sunlight The critical period for your circadian rhythm is in the morning. If you can expose your eyes to sunlight in the morning, it tunes your circadian rhythm to that time. Light comes in dramatically different quantities. While a normally lit room exposes...