Read time: 4 min 40 sec

Key Findings

  • Even with the best tips and tricks, inner voice conflicts can hold you back from getting things done.
  • Inner voices shape productivity: Different parts of your mind, like the Planner and the Easygoing One, often conflict, causing stress and confusion.
  • Recognizing inner conflict helps: Identifying the competing parts within yourself is the first step to solving productivity struggles.
  • Balance between inner voices is key: Listening to and validating each inner voice can lead to cooperation and better results.
  • Productivity is about harmony, not hacks: When your inner team works together, you’ll experience productivity, beyond just external strategies.

We’ve all seen people with great productivity hacks who still can’t seem to get things done. And frankly, sometimes that person is us.

That’s where Greg, an executive coach, comes in.

His big insight?

It’s not about the external stuff. The real issue is what’s happening inside.

Here’s what we got for you:

  • 🧠 The Real Productivity Issue
  • 🔴 🟢 🔵 Our Inner Voices
  • 🔄 Breaking the Cycle


The Real Issue

When you look for productivity tips, you likely already feel burnt out.

You tried different methods, but nothing seems to stick.

Most think the problem is time management, but it’s not just about finding the right trick or hack.

The real issue is inside your head—specifically, the conflicting voices we all have.

To actually boost your productivity, you need to listen to what’s going on inside. 

Let’s take a look under the hood.


How to Break Free

Spoiler Alert: The key isn’t more strategies. It’s understanding your inner voices and getting them to work together.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Recognize Your Inner Parts

🔵 There’s the Planner, who wants everything organized.

🟢 Then there’s the Easygoing One who just wants to enjoy life.

🔴 And let’s not forget the Perfectionist, who’s hyperventilating over every mistake.

When these voices clash, it’s chaos.

But if you can recognize these competing parts, things start to get a little clearer.





Step 2: Give Everyone a Seat at the Table

Each part has a reason for being there.

🔵 The Planner wants to keep you on track.

🟢 The Easygoing One wants you to have fun.

🔴 The Perfectionist is trying to help you avoid failure.

Acknowledge these voices—they’re all important.



Step 3: Listen to Them

My favorite therapist once said, invite these voices in for a cup of tea.

The message hear is to take a moment to hear each voice out.

🔵 The Planner might say, “I want you to stay prepared.”

🟢 The Easygoing One might say, “I’m trynna chill.”

🔴 The Perfectionist might say, “I don’t want you to mess up.”

Listening helps you understand what each part needs.




My Own Experience

While writing this, I can hear my own voices.

The Hypeman is excited to share these ideas. The Perfectionist is concerned about the lines being even. The Fun-Loving One wants me to enjoy the process. The Anxious One is afraid  won’t get it right.

These voices don’t have to fight. If I listen to each one, they can work together.





Actionable Nudge

Next time you ask yourself, “what tool should I use to stay focused…”

Check in with the voices. Who’s driving the bus? Are all the voices in sync?

When they are, you’ll find that getting things done is a lot easier.



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  • Fantastic ️‍🔥️‍🔥️‍🔥️‍🔥️‍🔥
  • Eh, it was okay️‍ ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥
  • Not helpful ️‍🔥

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